Meet Christine Wesemann

Christine Wesemann has been married for 35 years to a wonderful husband and is the proud parent of 6 children and 5 grandchildren.

She has been through many struggles of inadequacy, and controlling everything around her. One being her going through baby blues which caused a deep depression which in turn made her feel that if her husband and her kids just went away she would be better off. She knew that the way she was feeling was not normal.

During this struggle, she got certified and has been a yoga teacher for 35 years. Once starting the FLY program it brought alot of awareness around yoga and how she would tell people how yoga saved her marriage. She has tried several different modalities to help with her journey of healing. They all helped to a certain degree, but realized that she was always having to go back for more through different struggles. During this experience of FLY, she figured out for herself that she was the one that saved her marriage, not yoga. Yoga got her to a place of comfort just like all the other modalities.

Christine was thrilled when she found the F.L.Y. program; it has been life-changing for her and has now created a healthier, and loving relationship with her husband and children that is now thriving. She is constantly seeking ways to improve herself and build and strengthen relationships, and she is excited to share it with everyone and help them figure out how they can do life in a Joyful Way!




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