Meet LaNae Rasmussen

LaNae and her husband have five sons. Each had a unique learning style, as parents they learned to celebrate their children's talents. As their children matured they could see the genius in each one. One son had serious health issues so LaNae worked at home for several years to protect his fragile health.

While staying at home her husband supported her while she took classes celebrating her love of art and design. One of the arts she loved was Human Art, the art of a humans face, body shape, personality, color and individual characteristics.

Challenges came while she supported a family member with serious mental illness.

Trying to find answers to life's challenges she learned Cranial Sacral Massage, physical and mental trauma release and nutrition. Over a year ago she was introduced to the F.L.Y. (Fulfilll Life Yourself) model. Thinking it would help her family she started on a quest! Doing the model helped her more than anyone else. It helped her understand and be a support to her children and their spouses and her husband who suffers with chronic pain. Seeing the great value of F.L.Y. she wants to pass it on to her eight grandchildren.

She has witnessed many miracles. LaNae feels it is her privilege to be a facilitator and be by the side of others as they use the model to experience breakthroughs and see miracles come about in their own lives.




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