Meet Lorin Bishop

Lorin found the F.L.Y. model after years of exploring self-help sections in libraries and bookstores since the age of 15, striving to change, improve, and become the person he always wanted to be.

The F.L.Y. model has guided him to permanently transcend the negative aspects of his background, breaking free from the fear-based societal ruts and trends that held him captive throughout his life.

As a father of six and a lifelong truth seeker committed to self-improvement, he offers a wealth of experience, love, and research to accompany you on your path to lasting ascension and transformation.

He spent 25 years in end-of-life care home health and hospice and has a unique connection to the spiritual realm in receiving intuition and spiritual guidance. He has a passion for permanently healing and freeing clients from their self-defeating behaviors and their limiting beliefs.

After years of learning from the dying, he is ready to show the living how to really be set free and live their best life.

If you're dealing with issues like depression, anxiety, or strained relationships, Lorin is here to assist in your permanent transformation.

His lifelong commitment to mental health service led him to embrace a program with a potent and lasting impact. Rather than seeking to change individuals, he chose to facilitate their journey alongside them, helping them understand and apply transformative principles.

He strongly believes in the universal benefit of participation in a program, emphasizing the uniqueness and inclusivity of his chosen program. With comprehensive support, it ensures successful completion and permanent change, distinguishing itself from mere self-help books.

Ready to provide unwavering support, Lorin guarantees that positive transformations will attract the desired elements into your life. Echoing Gandhi's words, he encourages you to "be the change you wish to see in the world" for a happier and more fulfilling life.

By selecting him as your facilitator, you're not confined to working exclusively with him. Instead, you can evaluate how his personality aligns with yours and find a personal transformation coach that resonates with you.




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