Meet Suzette Rose

Suzette was bedridden with Fibromyalgia for 14 years and has dealt with anxiety, depression, and complex PTSD. She has combined many different natural supplements & modalities as well as essential oils to supplement her immune system and increase her well-being.

By adding the FLY module to her other routines, Suzette has seen great improvement in her ability to be in the moment and stay present when she is fully immersed in living life out of bed.

Learning to manage our emotions by asking ourselves the deeper questions of why we do what we do so we can change things at the root level is self-mastery in motion.

Suzette has seen miracles happen when she learns to understand and manage her emotions with herself and others so she can change within and have realistic expectations of what life is wanting to teach her.

Suzette also makes natural spa products with all-natural ingredients including essential oils which she sells through her company Symplee Celebrations.

She created a reward system for the brain using the products she creates to Celebrate every moment. She believes Aromatherapy calms down the amygdala and cradles us as we change our brains through repetition and awareness. She believes in excavating the heart and soul by doing the work to be powerful in ways we used think were powerless.

Symplee Celebrations Website:




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